27 Eye-Opening WordPress Stats You Can’t Ignore in 2023

Discover 25 WordPress stats, showcasing its dominance as the leading CMS, impressive plugin and theme offerings, global reach, and more.
Wordpress Stats

Did you know that in every 5 websites on the internet two or more websites are made on WordPress CMS?

I’m sure if you’re reading this you know the potential of WordPress and their collection of a number of themes and plugins for almost all the features you wanted from your CMS to run a successful blog or any digital business.

Whether you’re a blogger, tech journalist, digital marketer, affiliate marketer, or anyone looking for the potential of WordPress, you’ll find so many WordPress statistics that will blow your mind. There are so many advantages and disadvantages of WordPress here we’ll cover few of them.

We’ve researched more than 100+ statistics so build this ultimate list of WordPress statistics that will blow your mind.

Most Popular WordPress Statistics

  • There are more than 43.2% of websites built on WordPress CMS globally. (W3tech.com)
  • At the time of writing this article, there are more than 60k plugins in the WordPress plugin directory
  • There are 10k+ different themes are available for free
  • WooCommerce is used by 8.6% of all the websites built with WordPress. (W3tech.com)
  • WordPress users publish approx 70 Million posts per month (WordPress.com)
  • 409 Million users search about WordPress each month (WordPress.com)

Let’s dive into 27 of the most interesting WordPress statistics and facts you need to know.

So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive into 27 of the most interesting and factual WordPress stats you need to know.

1. WordPress powers 43% of the web (source: W3Techs)

That’s right! Almost half of the entire internet is powered by WordPress, making it the most popular content management system (CMS) globally.

2. There are over 60, 575 plugins available (source: WordPress.org)

WordPress’s extensive plugin directory offers a wide array of tools to customize and extend your website’s functionality.

3. 6.1 is the latest WordPress version (as of March, 2023) (source: WordPress.org)

WordPress regularly updates its core software to enhance security, improve performance, and introduce new features.

4. WooCommerce, a WordPress plugin, powers more than 30% of online stores (source: BuiltWith)

As the most popular e-commerce platform, WooCommerce provides users with an easy-to-use solution for selling products online.

5. Over 1,000 free themes are available (source: WordPress.org)

With so many themes to choose from, WordPress offers a vast selection of design options to help you create the perfect look for your site.

6. WordPress sites publish 70 million new posts each month (source: WordPress.com)

That’s a staggering number of blog posts, demonstrating just how active the WordPress community is!

7. WordPress is available in 205 languages (source: WordPress.org)

As a truly global platform, WordPress supports numerous languages, making it accessible to a diverse range of users worldwide.

8. The WordPress market share is 64.1% among CMS users (source: W3Techs)

Among those who use a CMS, WordPress dominates, with nearly two-thirds opting for this versatile platform.

9. 22% of new domains in the US run on WordPress (source: W3Techs)

A significant portion of newly registered domains in the United States uses WordPress as their CMS of choice.

10. WordPress sites receive over 400 million unique visitors each month (source: WordPress.com)

This enormous amount of traffic demonstrates the platform’s popularity and global reach.

11. 661 new WordPress sites are created daily (source: CodeinWP)

The growth of WordPress as a platform shows no signs of slowing down, with hundreds of new sites popping up every day.

12. 39.3% of WordPress vulnerabilities come from plugins (source: WPScan)

Although plugins can be incredibly useful, they also account for a significant number of security vulnerabilities, making it essential to choose them wisely.

13. WordPress powers 14.7% of the top 100 websites worldwide (source: W3Techs)

WordPress is a popular choice among the most successful websites, from news organizations to e-commerce giants.

14. The WordPress community has organized over 1,300 WordCamps in 75 cities (source: WordCamp Central)

These informal, community-organized events bring together WordPress enthusiasts to learn, share, and network.

15. WordPress receives over 1.1 million new registered users per month (source: WordPress.com)

The platform’s user base continues to grow, with more people discovering the power of WordPress every day.

16. Akismet, a WordPress plugin, has blocked over 500 billion spam comments (source: Akismet)

This powerful anti-spam plugin is essential for protecting your website and keeping it running smoothly.

17. WordPress was initially released on May 27, 2003 (source: WordPress.org)

18. The co-founders of WordPress are Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little (source: WordPress.org)

These two visionaries collaborated to create the powerful, open-source platform that has transformed the way we build and manage websites today.

19. WordPress is licensed under the GPL, making it free and open-source software (source: WordPress.org)

This means that you can use, modify, and distribute WordPress without any restrictions, fostering a spirit of collaboration and innovation.

20. WordPress.com hosts over 15.5 billion pages (source: WordPress.com)

With such a vast number of pages hosted on WordPress.com, it’s no wonder the platform is considered a powerhouse in the world of website building.

21. The average salary for a WordPress developer in the United States is $76,279 (source: Glassdoor)

Skilled WordPress developers are in high demand, making it a lucrative career choice for those interested in web development.

22. The Classic Editor plugin has over 5 million active installations (source: WordPress.org)

Many users still prefer the simplicity of the Classic Editor, even after the introduction of the Gutenberg block editor.

23. The most popular premium WordPress theme, Avada, has sold over 650,000 copies (source: ThemeForest)

As a testament to its versatility and ease of use, Avada has become the go-to choice for countless website owners and developers.

24. Over 50,000 new WordPress.com sites are created each month (source: WordPress.com)

The growth of WordPress.com is a clear indicator of the platform’s continued popularity and success.

25. WordPress 5.0 introduced the Gutenberg block editor (source: WordPress.org)

The Gutenberg editor revolutionized the way users create and edit content, making it easier than ever to build visually stunning websites.

26. Elementor is a leading page builder empowering millions of WordPress websites

Elementor, a popular WordPress page builder, is currently being used on over 12 million websites worldwide. Its user-friendly interface and array of customizable options make it a go-to choice for those looking to design beautiful and functional websites. For more insights, check out our in-depth review of Elementor.

27. 2.8M live WordPress sites are using Jetpack. (source: Builtwith)

Jetpack and Google Analytics are the most famous analytics tools to track your traffic of posts and pages. Although Jetpack offers a feature to make your website SEO Optimized.

There you have it – 27 intriguing and factual WordPress stats that demonstrate just how powerful and influential this platform has become. As a long-time WordPress user, We are continually amazed by its growth and the incredible community that supports it. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, WordPress offers endless possibilities for creating and managing your online presence.

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